Logo Adderbury Nouveau - The Bell

So-called for no reason known to me, especially strange when you consider it is danced the tune 'The Minstrel Boy'. Then again, is this business supposed to make sense?

Quite possibly... here's the real reason for the name (thanks, Tim :-))...

My name is Tim Radford, and for 21/22 years - 1974 to 1996 (when I moved to the USA) I was the Foreman and Squire of The Adderbury Morris Men and largely responsible for the "New" dances within the tradition. This was the first dance "created" by the team at the revival in 1974/5. It is named after the best pub in the village - The Bell Inn in the High Street where we always drink. The tune, which you rightly call 'The Minstrel Boy' is from the church bells (Thursday's tune I think?). I chose that tune and the source because another tune from the tradition is also on the bells (the clock carillion) - ie. 'The Bluebells of Scotland'.

1 & 6 face each other as first corners and go into the 'sidestep-left-sidestep-right and four capers' routine as in Lollipop Man. Having successfully negotiated this, they advance towards the middle of the set with two double steps, passing right shoulders and stopping abreast of each other before backstepping to place. 2 & 5 come in on the two capers and the chorus continues until everyone's had a go.
The dance finishes on a chorus, but some contrivance is required to make it fit and here it is: as the middles finish their part of the last chorus, they begin their backsteps into place. At this point, the corners take two steps in towards the middle of the set, so as to form a circle with the retreating middles as they finish their backsteps. Two capers finish the job.
At the caller's discretion (see general description).

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© Cardiff Morris 1996